So I loved this, but I do want anyone who reads it to go in with a few warnings:
1. Do NOT try to read this if you haven't read the first one.
2. Even if you have, and recently, assume the first part is going to make you feel deeply confused and honestly, possibly stupid. You're not. It will come together. There's a touch of insanity first.
3. All your questions are not going to be answered by the end. Many will. You will have fantastic guesses on a few others. You will have no clue on a few more.
One of my friends, who read the first on my recommendation, was eagerly awaiting my finishing this one so we could talk about it, because there's a lot to talk about. Like the first one, this is legitimately funny, dark, and bizarre. It's also strangely compulsive--you will find yourself picking it back up whenever you have enough brainpower to devote to it.
I'm looking forward to the third one in the series, but I'm going to want to reread the first two before I start the third because apparently I missed a lot of really neat stuff early on that I didn't realize was important. It's rather beautifully connected, this series, and I'm extremely impressed.
4/5 stars
